Directors of the course

J. Paul Robinson, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Andrea Cossarizza, Univ. of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy

Preliminary Program

Monday, Sept. 17
(Centro Congressi, University Hospital)

8:30-9:00 Welcome remarks, Introduction and presentation of the course
9:00-10:00 Lecture No. 1
10:00-11:00 Lecture No. 2
11:00-11:15 coffee break
11:15-12:15 Lecture No. 3
12:15-13:15 Lecture No. 4
13:15-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:30 Lecture No. 5
15:30-16:30 Lecture No. 6
16:30-16:45 coffee break
16:45-17:45 Lecture No. 7
17:45-18:15 Q/A of the day
20:00-23:00 Dinner with typical Modena food

Tuesday, Sept. 18
(Centro Congressi, University Hospital)

9:00-10:00 Lecture No. 8
10:00-11:00 Lecture No. 9
11:00-11:15 coffee break
11:15-12:15 Lecture No. 10
12:15-13:15 Lecture No. 11
13:15-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:30 Lecture No. 12
15:30-16:30 Lecture No. 13
16:30-16:45 coffee break
16:45-17:45 Lecture No. 14
17:45-18:15 Q/A of the day
20:00 -23:00 Faculty Dinner

Wednesday 19
(Istituti Biologici, Section of General Pathology, 5th Floor)

Participants will be divided in n. groups and will have the possibility to rotate and see the use of n. instruments (about 2 hours each)
9:00-11:00 Hands on machine
11:00-11:15 coffee break
11:15-13:15 Hands on machine
13:15-14:15 Lunch
14:15-16:15 Hands on machine
16:15-18:15 Hands on machine
20:00 -23:00 Faculty Dinner

Thursday 20,

(Istituti Biologici, Section of General Pathology, 5th Floor)
Participants will be divided in n. groups and will have the possibility to rotate and see the use of n. instruments (about 2 hours each)
9:00-11:00 Hands on machine
11:00-11:15 coffee break
11:15-13:15 Hands on machine
13:15-14:15 Lunch
14:15-16:15 Hands on machine
16:15-18:15 Hands on machine
20:00 -23:00 Gala dinner

Friday 21

(Istituti Biologici, Section of General Pathology, 5th Floor)
Participants will be divided in n. groups and will have the possibility to rotate and see the use of n. instruments (about 2 hours each)

9:00-11:00 Hands on machine
11:00-11:15 coffee break
11:15-13:15 Hands on machine
13:15-14:15 Lunch
14:15-18:15 News in the Software

 NB: timing for “hands on machine” could change according to the availability of instruments
 Tuesday and Wednesday: free dinners



Annunziato, Francesco  – Univ. of Florence, Italy
Bodenmiller, Bernd – Univ. of Zurich, Switzerland
Borsellino Giovanna – S. Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy
Chattopadhyay, Pratip – NYU Medical Ctr., NY, USA
Cossarizza, Andrea – Univ. Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Kalina, Tomas – Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic
Krishan, Awtar – Univ. of Miami, FL, USA
Luche, Hervé – Chipe, Marseille, France
Lugli, Enrico – Humanitas Res. Ctr., Milan, Italy
Maciorowski, Zosia – Curie Inst., Paris, France
O’Connor, Enrique – Univ. of Valencia, Spain
Petriz, Jordi – J. Carreras Res. Inst., Barcelona, Spain
Radbruch, Andreas – DRFZ, Charité Univ., Berlin, Germany
Robinson, J. Paul – Purdue Univ., IN, USA
Roederer, Mario – NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
Smith, Paul – OncoTherics, Cardiff, UK


 1. Annunziato, Francesco        Molecular mechanisms controlling Th17 responses.
2. Bodenmiller, Bernd              Highly multiplexed imaging of tissues with subcellular resolution by imaging mass cytometry.

3. Borsellino, Giovanna            Deep Immunophenotyping of Human peripheral blood cells.
4. Chattopadhyay, Pratip        Building a high content, precision immunology program to support cancer trials.
5. Kalina, Tomas                         Inference of branching developmental pathways in the highly complex  mass cytometry datasets of lymphocytes’ development.
6. Krishan, Awtar                       Flow cytometric monitoring of diagnostic marker expression in cells  from body cavity fluids.
7. Luche, Hervé                          Mass Cytometry or a deep dive in the Cytomics era.
8. Lugli, Enrico                            Discovering T cell subsets.
9. Maciorowski, Zosia               Quality Control and Troubleshooting in Flow Cytometry.
10. O’Connor, Enrique             Cytomics of Oxidative and Nitrosative Stress.
11. Petriz, Jordi                           Acoustic Oddities: Take Your Fluorescent Probes and Put The Acoustics  On.
12. Radbruch, Andreas            Cytometry of Immunity and Immunopathology.
13. Robinson, J. Paul               Flow Cytometry Quo Vadis: Is it Spectral Cytometry?
14. Roederer, Mario                 How does the body count immune cells?
15. Smith, Paul                           Nuclear cytometry: probes and drugs.

Companies that have expressed or confirmed the intention to participate and bring instruments for demo

Acea (confirmed)
Beckman Coulter (confirmed)
Becton Dickinson (confirmed)
Bio-Rad (confirmed)
Flow-Jo (confirmed)
Miltenyi (confirmed)
ThermoFisher (confirmed)
Fluidigm (confirmed)
Sysmex (to be confirmed)
Cytek (to be confirmed)

Registration fee:

members of SIICA, AINI, ISAC, INRC, any society affiliated to EFIS: 350,00 €
members of any society of cytometry or any patronizing society: 350,00 €
non-members: € 450,00